Tuesday, February 01, 2011


Acknowledging failure

Is an opportunity

To grow.

It’s where you put down your halo

Your Messiah title

Your crowns

And get a new perspective

On whatever reality

You think is around you.

Didn’t finish writing the book?

Didn’t show up for your volunteer job?

Didn’t exercise faithfully this week?

Didn’t get recognition for making Thanksgiving happen?

Aren’t consulted about what will be happening?

Can’t control the weather?

The spiders keep making new homes along the ceiling?

You’d rather take a nap?

Eat cake and watch television all day?

Will the world fall apart

If you don’t meet your own expectations?

Is this the way to holiness? To wholeness?

Chop wood, haul water, insight comes.

Take a nap, eat cake, insight comes?


---------------------------------------------------Comments & Questions? Email: womenbefriends@yahoo.com


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