Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Avalanche at Ready

Today on the Web is the letter from Hans Kung addressed to the Bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, and published for all the world to see!!! The volcano erupting in Iceland, idling all the airports of Europe, is no greater in my mind than this. Hans Kung speaks according to his wisdom and conscience. May all bishops do likewise! (Go to

Hans Kung tells them, after outlining the current situation:
1. Do not keep silent.
2. Set about reform.
3. Act in a collegial way.
4. Know that unconditional obedience is owed to God alone.
5. Work for regional solutions.
6. Call for a council.

When I attended the talk by Fr. Roy Bourgeois and the three Womenpriests last week, I was inspired. I wanted to return to the Church, just to see what would happen next. If the Pope does not call a council himself, and the bishops do, what a thrill! Vatican III is about to begin.

I feel even more energized now! This is as exciting as Vatican II was itself! Fr. Mackin shared his excitement with us students back in those days, and this brings it all back! Perhaps real change is possible. Now what can I do? How can I help now?

The avalanche I envisioned begins, or goes on, just tipping over at the top, beginning a steep descent.

This is keeping me awake tonight.

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