My people are Starpeople!
From bipeds of long ago
Intelligent designs of the Universe
Spirits having human experiences
Instruments of perception
Survivors of flood, pestilence, war and famine
Wanderers of the northern climes of earth
Tillers of the ground who nurture the plants
Harvesters and hoarders against seasons of little and less
Immigrants to an undeveloped land, adaptable
Inventors and engineers and lawyers and soldiers and entrepreneurs
Teachers, mothers, council members, secretaries
Travellers, readers, writers and artists
Meticulous about details, tidy in their houses
Moral observers of the law, peace-loving church goers and voters
Positively respectful
Committed men and women who nurture families and friends
Caretakers of elderly and sick
Builders of communities
Who save for their old age and gain weight
Laugh and dance at weddings and birthday parties
Mourn at funerals
Living into old age
Grateful for the lives they had
Giving blessings on those who follow.
Comments & Questions? Email: womenbefriends@yahoo.com
From bipeds of long ago
Intelligent designs of the Universe
Spirits having human experiences
Instruments of perception
Survivors of flood, pestilence, war and famine
Wanderers of the northern climes of earth
Tillers of the ground who nurture the plants
Harvesters and hoarders against seasons of little and less
Immigrants to an undeveloped land, adaptable
Inventors and engineers and lawyers and soldiers and entrepreneurs
Teachers, mothers, council members, secretaries
Travellers, readers, writers and artists
Meticulous about details, tidy in their houses
Moral observers of the law, peace-loving church goers and voters
Positively respectful
Committed men and women who nurture families and friends
Caretakers of elderly and sick
Builders of communities
Who save for their old age and gain weight
Laugh and dance at weddings and birthday parties
Mourn at funerals
Living into old age
Grateful for the lives they had
Giving blessings on those who follow.
Comments & Questions? Email: womenbefriends@yahoo.com